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Sustainable trade policies must anticipate and address environmental impact. In this context, TULIP focuses on how to design international legal frameworks that encourage sustainable trade while minimizing negative environmental externalities. 

Biodiversity and trade 

Circular economy and ecodesign 

Plastic waste pollution 

Sustainable trade preferences

natural resource management 


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GIZ/German government 

Making trade work for an inclusive circular transition

Developing a research paper with concrete options on how the World Trade Organization and Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs) can work for an inclusive circular economy transition. The report also includes a case study focusing on how India can position itself in the ongoing EU-India RTAs to maximize circular benefits. The study is expected to be published by the end of 2022. 



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Finnish Innovation Fund SITRA

Project on circular innovation and ecodesign in the textiles sector

Conducting a study on the circular economy transition in the textiles sector, with a particular focus on taking onboard the needs of developing countries. 


Click here to download the study. 


This study was launched at the WTO Public Forum 2022, and main take-aways from the session can be viewed here


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World Wildlife Fund (WWF) UK

Exploring implications of core environmental standards for the UK

Developing options for core environmental standards for pesticides nitrogen management applicable to UK imported agri-food products.


Click here to download the think piece. The full technical report is expected to be published in the fall of 2022. 


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Public Waste Agency of Flanders (OVAM)

International Agreement on Natural Resource Management 

Establishing the rationale for an international agreement on natural resource management, and identifying how such an agreement should be structured and developed. 


Click here to download the study. 

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World Economic Forum

Project for Ghana:

Advising how Ghana can leverage international trade agreements to advance its plastic waste management management objectives. 


Click here to download the paper

Click here to download a summary blog post 

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United Nations Environment Progamme (UNEP)

Project on trade and biodiversity 

Analyzing how free trade agreements (FTAs) can be leveraged to address and mitigate biodiversity loss associated with agricultural expansion. 

green Field

Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

Trade Agreements and the environment 

Analyzing the potential for technical barriers to trade and regulatory cooperation chapters in free trade agreement to advance environmental objectives. 


Click here to download the paper.  

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United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) 

Research focused on trade and biodiversity

Conducting various projects and writing papers focusing on issues related to regional trade agreements and biodiversity. 


A presentation of an upcoming paper on trade and deforestation can be viewed here.  


Image de Dương Trí

Permanent mission of the Netherlands to the WTO

Circular economy, trade and developing countries

Analyzing opportunities and challenges for developing countries in the area of trade and the circular economy. 


Click here to download the paper

Système d'irrigation

United Nations Environment Programme

Green Industrial policy workshop for Guyana 

 Teaching a 3-day course on Green Industrial Policy and Trade for government officials in Guyana. 


Click here to read an article about the event. 

Green Ivy from the Roof

United Nations Environment Programme

Teaching module on trade and industrial policy 

A training module on trade and green industrial policy for government officials in developing countries. 


Click here to listen to the podcast accompanying the course. 


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International Trade Centre

Trade, gender, and the circular economy in Africa

Researching and writing a policy brief analyzing how the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) can be leveraged to create opportunity in the circular economy for women-owed businesses. 


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"Circular Innovation and Ecodesign in the Textiles Sector"


The Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra

 September 2022


"Greening the AfCFTA: It's not too late"


The Brookings Institute

 August 2021


"These four methods can help solve Ghana's plastic waste dilemma"


World Economic Forum

September 2021

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"Trade and the Circular Economy: A Deep Dive into Plastic Action in Ghana"


Global Partnership for Plastic Action

 August 2021

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